Morbidly Yours by Ivy Fairbanks 

Morbidly Yours is a debut offering from author Ivy Fairbanks. While most debuts are going to have some kinks this one was pretty smoothed with some minor pacing issues through the middle.

This book had its moments but was a mixed experience for me. It was spicy without going overboard, but the pacing lagged in the middle. I enjoyed the quirky humor around grief and undertaking, like the puns and graphic details that are unusual for a romcom. Lark and Callum had some adorable and memorable scenes, though certain heteronormative aspects, like insecurities and possessiveness, felt unresolved and a bit frustrating.

The plotline about Callum needing to marry to keep his business felt outdated and limiting, ignoring alternative ways of building a family or legacy.

If you were a fan of Pushing Up Daisies, this might be a book for you.

Overall, while there were fun and touching moments, especially around grief and second chances, the book’s lack of awareness about non-traditional paths left me wanting more.

Book Stats:
Rating: 3/5
Series: A Love in Galway Novel
Tropes: friends with benefits, rom-com, he falls first, grumpy-sunshine, slow burn, small town,
POP: 61%
3rd Act Breakup- Yes