Lights, Camera, Passion  by  Isabel Lucero 

On this episode, Becky is joined by Jenni, Lindsey, and Heather and they are discussing Lights, Camera, Passion by  Isabel Lucero. Lights, Camera, Passion is an enemies-to-lovers story between two supposedly straight actors who don’t get along but are cast to play lovers in a book-to-movie adaptation. Expect bickering, banter, tension, chemistry, and a couple of revelations straining to burst free from the closet.

The Synopsis:

Playing a lead role in a book-to-movie adaptation with a wild fan base? Sign me up! The only downside is that I’m cast alongside Jacoby “Heartthrob” Hart—Hollywood’s golden boy. If only they knew he was an uppity, pompous snob.
We don’t get along, and if you’re reading the tabloids, you’d assume it was because I “stole” his girlfriend, but they have it all wrong. Jacoby and his cold shoulder started this, and now we’re set to play lovers. The only thing I’d love to do is strangle him, but I’m a professional.
Behind the scenes, we’re either bickering or avoiding each other, but when the cameras start rolling, I can’t believe how much chemistry we have.
One night, during a passionate argument, something happens that I never anticipated. The chemistry that started out as an act turns into much more behind closed doors, but we both have secrets, and Hollywood is a hard place to keep those.

Things to know:
Release Date: April 8, 2024 
Trope: enemies-to-lovers, Hollywood Romance, Pining, Secret Romance, Grumpy Sunshine, Forced and Close Proximity, slow burn  
POV: dual 1st person  
Put out percentage: 15% 
Where it is available: Kindle Unlimited   


Instagram: @buzzingaboutormance
Music by Cambo
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