Book Recommendations

Calling All Romance Readers: Share Your Favorite Books!

Hello, Buzzing About Romance community!

We love sharing our favorite romance reads with you, and now we want to hear from YOU! We are eager to know what books and authors have captured your heart and why they are so special to you. Whether it’s a beloved classic, a hidden gem, or a recent discovery, we want to hear about the romances that have made a lasting impression on you.

What We’re Looking For:

  1. Books You’re Passionate About: Tell us about the books and authors that you love the most. What stories have moved you, kept you up all night, or stayed with you long after you finished reading?
  2. Diverse Recommendations: We are passionate about celebrating diversity in romance. Please suggest books and authors from various backgrounds, including LGBTQIA+, different cultures, and diverse perspectives.
  3. New Voices: Introduce us to authors and books that we haven’t featured before. We’re always excited to discover fresh talent and new stories.
  4. Detailed Information: When recommending a book, please provide as much information as possible. This includes the book title, author, a brief synopsis, and why you think it should be featured on our podcast.

How to Submit Your Recommendations:

  • Fill out the form at the bottom of this post
  • Social Media: Tag us on social media with your recommendations using the hashtag #BuzzingAboutRomanceRecs.

Why Your Input Matters:

Your recommendations help us ensure that our podcast reflects the diversity and richness of the romance genre. By sharing your favorite reads, you’re helping us create content that resonates with our listeners and brings more amazing stories to the forefront.

Thank you for being a part of our community and for sharing the books that you are passionate about. We can’t wait to hear from you!

Happy reading!