The Best Beard in Romance


Crowning the Best Beard in Romance

In celebration of No Shave November, we’re dedicating our November Sip and Discuss episodes to the irresistible bearded main character. This month, we’re on a mission to crown the Best Beard in Romance, as voted by the Buzzing About Romance Community. Join us in the fun as we launch a contest to determine which bearded romance hero reigns supreme!

Here are the criteria for books to be included in the Best Beard of Romance contest:

  1. Genre: The book must be a Contemporary or Dark Romance.
  2. Hero’s Beard: The hero must have a beard, and it needs to be explicitly mentioned in the book.
  3. Publication Date: The book must be a published romance novel.
  4. Standalone or Series: The book can be a standalone or part of a series, but the bearded hero must be a central character, and the book can not end on a cliffhanger.
  5. Representation: Any subgenre within Contemporary or Dark Romance is welcome as long as the bearded hero plays a significant role in the story.
  6. The Title can not have been featured in a previous Buzzing about Romance Quick Shot of Romance or Sip and Discuss Episodes.
  7. The Winner will be Announced on Sept 30th on Buzzing About Romance Patreon and on October 3rd on the Website.

These guidelines ensure that we feature a diverse selection of bearded heroes in our contest!
* Please Note Self Recs from authors are welcome *

There will be 3 rounds to this contest-
Round One Nominations- Now – August 25th.
Round Two – Semi-Final Vote August 30th – September 10th.
Final Round September 13th- 20th.